well here are some recent happenings in our house hold...
last week shane started pre-school and was able to ride on the big yella skool bus :) he was so thrilled... and mami was so emotional... but very thankful for my a wee-bit of a break throughout my day.
jorge lost his top middle tooth (he actually pulled it out after a friend knocked it looser) and received $2 & a letter from the tooth fairy. 1 week later he had 3 additional baby teeth wiggled out at a visit to the dentist to make room for his adult teeth :( he did so well and was so brave... and said it didn't even hurt :P so the tooth fairy was on double duty last week.
can't forget about mr elija- now 9 months (OMG) who is now finally sleeping through most nights :) yea for me... and is now officially crawling :o he stands pretty well too.
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