Tuesday, May 26, 2009

my bubba gets a well needed haircut | sarasota childrens photographer

i admit it, i have been putting off cutting my boo's hair for a looonnnnggg time now. this is not his first haircut, the bangs and sides have seen the shears before, but those curls have yet to be touched... till now. i knew it would be drastic and of course i planned to save the curls for the baby book that i will begin one day. so with much regret the curls are gone and he will not be mistaken for a lil girl ever again (not that i cared).... and my lil baby is now a great big boy... just in time for his 2nd bday. so bittersweet :(

sorry for the low quality video... mamma needs a new video cam (with 3 boys mom's things are bound to break)

here's a few before and after shots

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Bridget he looks soooooooo cute!! I love it!! I know its hard, almost like cutting away the baby but he looks awesome... In a lot of those shots he looks just like your mom too me!! miss you!
