Wednesday, September 24, 2008

time for a haircut

ya think??
elija is growing up so fast. i had to share some of these oh so cute shots of him. here's a few before his haircut...

yeah, his do is a lil like mine out in the humid air- wild and crazy

love - love - love this shot.... this is him yelling "stop" (more like op)... mom stop taking pix - yea right -lol
ok- so then he got a lil mad cuz he wanted to be the one taking the pix
"but i wanna play with ur toys mommy" lol - ok i am not a horrible person but this was just too cute not to keep shooting, am i right?
and he's over it in a heartbeat :)

and then the day after the "haircut"............................

hubby cut the hair - he's a wiz with the clippers but i wasn't having clippers on these cutzie curls - so i made him leave the curls in the back which ultimately gave him the dreadful mullet...

he's so darn cute he get's away with it tho.
let me know what you think... drop me a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I love your work.......You catch the real personality in each are fast with the click of your camera......of course you are great at all you accomplishments.....& your photography shows it.......
    love ya Mommy
