Tuesday, October 9, 2007

3 months

as a child i can remember time standing still; i mean: watching the school clock in biology class truly not move, rainy afternoons dragging until ultimate boredom set in, the feeling of christmas holidays so far away that they were never going to arrive........ fast forward a mini lifetime and now i can't seem to catch my breathe; time is just rushing by on fast forward X3. boredom is just a whinning word my oldest child cries out - it has no definition to me otherwise. time is a double edge sword in life. you know you are an adult when there's just not enough of it :)

with that said, elija's has been warming our hearts for the quickest 3 months of my life. he's already found his feet and loves having conversations :) next week he will be potty trained and ready for college - my goodness.

shane having some fun times with papi - too funny!

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