i know my blog has been a little idle lately... not because it has slowed down in any way as we say goodbye to summer... but rather i couldn't keep up with life's speed. i've been working on a back log of album designs and print orders... still had quite a few shots this month... all while ending summer vacation with my boys. so thank you to everyone patiently and anxiously waiting for their sneak peeks... they are coming. in the meantime, here are my guys on their first day of school... we had a very wet morning and decided to take our first day of school shots when we returned home. they were (insert sarcasm here) thrilled. :)
baby lawson arrived on the 4th of july with fireworks and celebration... what a way to come into the world :) lawson's mommy was my middle guy's kindergarten teacher this past school year. so it was pretty special to shane and his classmates to see mrs. a's belly grow throughout the year. shane was so excited to see the photos when i came home from the shoot - he was blushing with a grin from ear to ear :) congratulations tera & jason